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0 - - AboutFakiies - x3

Yeah ... and these girls have invaded our world! I am very very tired of those girls ... What we do? There are some girls without education! Yeah... I am right! but whatever...These girls will never be a star!
Just say "Fuck u " <3 Sick sick ... x3
ILY  the rainbow x3
ILY the rainbow x3
To Santa x3
To Santa x3
To be a star x3
To be a star x3
Lets be friends x3
Lets be friends x3
Have peace x3
Have peace x3
Effell x3
Effell x3

Comments • 7

CrinaRadu 12 August 2011  
ToxxicLov3 12 August 2011  
right! x3
BeautyDreamx3 12 August 2011  
Just say " Fuck you" For fakiies
FcoTheo 12 August 2011  
yeah..we hate fakes...right?
BeautyDreamx3 12 August 2011  
Yeah.. Thanks all!
xDoncafex3 12 August 2011  
x.` u're very right
xEcstasyGurlLulu 12 August 2011  
you`re right <3
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